March 2010

The publication of the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) report: “Less pretension, more ambition: Development Aid that makes a difference”, caused quite a stir. Skeptics were quick to seize on the report as endorsement for the view that aid needs radical reform, or should even be scrapped altogether. On Tuesday 23rd March, the lead writer of the report Peter van Lieshout was in Maastricht to debate some of the implications of the report at the EU level. Also sitting around the table were ECDPM director Paul Engel and Mrs Brave Ndisale, Head of ...


On Wednesday 17 March, the Development Committee of the European Parliament reserved a slot for four leading European research institutes to present their recent report on the future of EU Development Cooperation. Their presentation informed an exchange of views with Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs and the Members of the Committee. Our organisation, together with three other leading European development cooperation institutes (German Development Institute in Bonn, Overseas Development Institute in London and La Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior in Madrid), recently published a Memorandum titled ‘New Challenges, New Beginnings: Next Steps ...